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What's your frame?

I have just completed a course titled, Social and Organizational Systems, Leadership and Change. While we covered Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory, Keegan and Lahey’s Immunity to Change, and Jennifer Garvey Burger’s Leadership Mindtraps, the biggest takeaway was from Boleman and Deal’s Reframing Organizations. Suppose you can overlook the very biased political opinions in the textbook. In that case, the authors share some excellent lenses or frames to look through when working in an organization, particularly if leading that organization. These structural, political, human resources, and symbolic frames were fascinating to explore while recognizing similarities in oneself and co-workers.

I found this frame assessment that our cohort tested out. The feedback was that the evaluation was reasonably accurate amongst the cohort. I encourage you to take the brief online assessment to see what frame you tend to work from.

There is no wrong or right frame. The goal is to be balanced so that one can work with all frames.

Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice, and Leadership 7th Edition



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